As im sat on a bus waiting to move i'm hit by this strong pungent aroma! Why is it that everytime your on public transport you get the occasional smelly person. I should really change occasional to 'often'.
It's like a regular occurance, does public transport now mean lack of personal hygiene. I mean transport is well expensive these days so that group of people out there decide to invest their money on getting the bus from A to B rather than spending a little on freshing up.
As a lot of people do use these forms of transport is it our duty to inform them or better yet spray them?! Maybe there should be those air freshener spray thingy bobs on there. Automatic spray when it senses a smelly guy on board.
As i'm about to finish writing this i notice the smelly guy about to leave and then i notice his filth ridden fingers and hands. So not only is there a smell ive now got to be awear of where his putting his hands. Oh god the dredd of cross contamination. Hopefully as i finish this blog on my phone it aint got some strange new found disease!
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