Sunday 15 March 2009

Staying in an A & E, and looking for a shoe!

Oi Oi People it's Sunday night, Slightly later than usual. For that reason alone I'm keeping it short!

Yep I stayed in A & E

I had to take my mum dues to her being ill at the moment. Man you get all sorts in A & E and as it was a Friday night you had pissed up people and bloody guys who had been in a fight. I thought working in retail you get slightly quirky characters but A&E is the place to be if you want to see Crazy's!

One things for sure trying to sleep in A&E is the most uncomfortable thing ever and I've stayed in a train station. Now I sound like I love the HOBO lifestyle lol. But you try sleeping on a plastic chair in the ward and if not try the metal cold chairs in the waiting room. It's like trying to go sleep on your toilet!!!

So what do you do when you need a shoe with the most vague description ever?

That's the situation I had today and in many other occasions. The woman had a piece of paper giving me the description here's what it said:

Black Fred Perry Leather

How vague do you want to be? lol OK let's go through this step by step how to narrow down a shoe description:
1. Well its black (that's a start)
2. The make is Fred Perry (OK got a brand name)
3. Its made of leather (didn't realize leather is common in SHOES!!!)

That's as vague as me saying this is what I look like

I have 2 eyes, a nose, a mouth. O yeah black eye browns. By the way my name is James!

Is that Vague?!

I know the customer probably doesn't know shoe details etc but maybe if you brought in a picture or showed me something similar that would probably help.

That's all from Observation James

p.s Next weeks might be slightly delayed but do not fret!!!

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